Stock ‘Malmaison Pink’

Matthiola incana


  • Easy to grow
  • Fragrant
  • One-hit wonder


Also known in the trade as ‘Appleblossom’

Highly fragrant, with full, fluffy blooms, these prized plants thrive in cooler weather. With a beautiful warm pink color and a distinctive spicy scent, a few stems of these beauties make a big impact in both gardens and bouquets and fill the air with fragrance. Half of the plants will be single-flowered, the other half double, so plant twice as many as you need.


Plant type: hardy annual
Height: 18 to 30 in
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 90 to 100 days
Plant spacing: 6 in
Pinch: do not pinch

Seed Sowing & Growing Notes

Sow multiple seeds per cell indoors 6 weeks before last frost and transplant out while the weather is still cool. Can be succession-planted to stagger the harvest. Don’t pinch plants.

Harvesting/Vase Life

Harvest when half the florets on a stem are open. Change the water often to avoid a cabbage-y smell. Expect a vase life of 7 to 10 days.



Also known in the trade as ‘Appleblossom’

Highly fragrant, with full, fluffy blooms, these prized plants thrive in cooler weather. With a beautiful warm pink color and a distinctive spicy scent, a few stems of these beauties make a big impact in both gardens and bouquets and fill the air with fragrance. Half of the plants will be single-flowered, the other half double, so plant twice as many as you need.


Plant type: hardy annual
Height: 18 to 30 in
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 90 to 100 days
Plant spacing: 6 in
Pinch: do not pinch

Seed Sowing & Growing Notes

Sow multiple seeds per cell indoors 6 weeks before last frost and transplant out while the weather is still cool. Can be succession-planted to stagger the harvest. Don’t pinch plants.

Harvesting/Vase Life

Harvest when half the florets on a stem are open. Change the water often to avoid a cabbage-y smell. Expect a vase life of 7 to 10 days.


How to Grow

Winter Mini Course

Learn how to start flowers from seed in this three-part video series

In our upcoming Winter Mini Course, you’ll learn everything you need to know to successfully start flowers from seed, including all of the necessary supplies, step-by-step instructions, special tips and tricks, and how to create a simple indoor seed-starting area.